
Post Marital Agreement Ohio

A post marital agreement, also known as a postnuptial agreement, is a legal contract that is signed by married couples to outline how they will divide their assets and finances in the event of a divorce or separation. In Ohio, post marital agreements are recognized as legally binding under state law.

Why Get a Post Marital Agreement in Ohio?

People enter into post marital agreements for various reasons. Some couples may choose to sign a postnuptial agreement after experiencing difficulties in their marriage as a way to prepare for a potential divorce. Others may want to clarify their financial responsibilities and obligations to each other.

Whatever the reason, a post marital agreement can provide a level of protection for both parties. It can also help avoid lengthy, contentious divorce proceedings by providing a clear roadmap for how assets and finances will be divided.

What Should a Post Marital Agreement Include?

A post marital agreement can cover a range of topics related to financial and property matters. Here are some key areas to consider including in your agreement:

1. Division of property and assets – Outline how property and assets will be divided in the event of a divorce or separation.

2. Spousal support – Determine whether one spouse will pay spousal support to the other and for how long.

3. Debt – Determine how any outstanding debts will be addressed in the event of a divorce.

4. Inheritance – Clarify how inheritance will be handled in the event of a divorce or separation.

5. Business interests – Determine how any business interests will be divided in the event of a divorce or separation.

How to Create a Post Marital Agreement in Ohio?

Creating a post marital agreement requires careful consideration and attention to detail. Most people work with an experienced attorney who specializes in family law to create their agreement. This ensures that the agreement meets all legal requirements and is enforceable in court.

If you`re considering a post marital agreement in Ohio, it`s important to work with an attorney who can help you navigate the legal process and protect your interests. The attorney can review your specific situation and help you determine what should be included in your agreement. They can also help you negotiate the terms of the agreement with your spouse to ensure that it`s fair and reasonable.


A post marital agreement can provide a level of protection and security in the event of a divorce or separation. In Ohio, post marital agreements are legally binding and can provide a clear roadmap for how assets and finances will be divided. If you`re considering a postnuptial agreement, it`s important to work with an experienced attorney who can help you create an agreement that meets your needs and protects your interests.