
Model Grant Agreement 2021

Model Grant Agreement 2021: What You Need to Know

If you are an organization or individual that relies on grant funding, you may already be familiar with the model grant agreement (MGA) provided by the European Commission. This agreement serves as a standardized framework for funding recipients to establish their rights and obligations, and ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of the funding program. As of January 2021, the European Commission has updated its MGA, bringing some important changes to the table.

In this article, we will guide you through the key aspects of the model grant agreement 2021, and what they mean for your organization.

1. Scope and Objectives

One of the major changes in the new MGA is the expansion of its scope and objectives. The agreement now includes provisions for grants under the European Union`s new multi-annual financial framework, as well as the European Development Fund. In addition, the MGA now emphasizes the importance of promoting gender equality, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

2. Eligibility Criteria

Another significant update in the MGA is the clarification of the eligibility criteria for funding. The agreement now clearly defines the types of organizations and activities that are eligible for grants, and provides specific rules for determining the eligible costs of a project. This can be particularly helpful for organizations with complex or innovative projects that may not fit neatly into traditional grant categories.

3. Reporting and Monitoring

The new MGA includes enhanced reporting and monitoring requirements, aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability in the use of grant funds. Recipients will be required to submit regular progress and financial reports, and provide access to their records and accounts upon request. The European Commission will also conduct on-site visits to verify the accuracy of project information and assess the implementation of activities.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights are another area that has been addressed in the updated MGA. The agreement now sets out clear rules for the ownership and use of intellectual property resulting from funded activities. This includes provisions for sharing intellectual property with the European Commission and other relevant parties, as well as measures to protect confidential information.

5. Termination and Recovery

Finally, the new MGA includes provisions for termination and recovery of grant funds in the event of non-compliance or other breaches of the agreement. This includes the right of the European Commission to terminate the agreement and recover funds if it determines that the recipient has failed to comply with the terms of the grant.

In conclusion, the updated model grant agreement 2021 represents a significant step forward in the standardization and transparency of grant funding in the European Union. By providing clear guidelines and requirements for funding recipients, the new MGA aims to ensure that grant funds are used effectively and in line with the objectives of the funding program. As a grant recipient, it is important to familiarize yourself with the new MGA and its implications for your organization, to ensure compliance and maximize the benefits of your grant funding.